Release of “The Ultimate Guide To College Safety”
September 14, 2017 12:00 am End:
September 14, 2017 11:00 pm Location:
Kingston, PA 18704 |
After approximately two years of work, research, reading, writing, revising, editing and approving, on September 14, 2017 The Ultimate Guide To College Safety: How to Protect Yourself From Online and Offline Threats to Your Personal Safety at College & Around Campus was released.
Published by Union Square Publishing in New York City, this book is the answer to improving personal safety and well-being in both the physical world and the online world. Parents cannot always be there to protect and look out for their new college student. This book is the next best thing to being there for your child as they head off to college where they will have many new experiences and face many new challenges.
This book revolutionizes how safety in college is taught, and is the perfect companion to all the other books that are purchased. The difference is this book will be used not just for a semester or two like most other books.
It will be a valuable reference guide used throughout the years spent at school and even beyond the college experience. This makes it the single-most affordable and agrueably the most important book a student buys.
This book is designed to provide safer campus life, one student at a time. It does that by bringing awareness to various online and offline threats to students while they are attending college. It also serves as a reference guide through the use of handy checklists the end of each chapter that summarizes and highlights the most important points that are covered.
Topics include:
Online Safety Topics:
- Identity theft protection
- Creating secure passwords
- Outsmarting hackers
- Email phishing scams
- Social media protection
- Online security tips
- Cyber-bullying
- Cyber-stalking
- Cell phone security
- Safety apps
- Operating system upgrades
- Program updates and patches
- Anti-virus programs
- Anti-malware programs
- Data backup best practices and tools
- Cyber-crime
- Cyber-terrorism
Offline Safety Topics:
- Defining safety concerns
- Armed with awareness
- Establishing personal boundaries
- Routines & comfort zones
- Problem roommates
- Bullying & Hazing
- Building self-confidence
- Alcohol responsibility & related health issues
- Party drugs & prescription medication abuse
- Caffeine & energy drinks
- Bar & club safety
- Travel safety – around campus & abroad
- Credit card & ATM safety
- Dorm room security
- Fire, electrical & cooking safety
- Physical threat self-defense
- Safe dating & sexual assault prevention
- Alternative lifestyle risks (LGBT)
- Active shooter preparedness
- Terrorism
- Proper attitude
- Health & fitness
The Ultimate Guide To College Safety: How to Protect Yourself From Online and Offline Threats to Your Personal Safety at College & Around Campus is the most comprehensive book every written that addresses every possible threat to the safety of college students – period.
Created by a university public safety professional who is also an information technology consultant and self-defense instructor, the combination of experience that was put into this book cannot be overstated.